Home Opinion OSV News Weekly Showcase | Feb. 9, 2024

OSV News Weekly Showcase | Feb. 9, 2024

by Megan Marley

Today’s the feast of St. Apollonia, the patron saint of dentistry and toothaches — for the gristly reason her martyrdom involved Apollonia’s teeth being pulled or broken before she was burnt alive. Leave it to the Church to have a hardcore, “metal” saint for mundane things like teeth.

This week OSV News had stories on the mundane as well as the momentous: everything from storm damage to Catholic schools and church properties in California and nuns running a marathon, to the ill health of King Charles III and what the reopening of the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris will look like this year. You can find a selection of more of our stories below, and on social media @OSVNews.

Megan Marley

Digital Editor

 No bad blood, just big wins for these life-giving nonprofits in bishops’ Super Bowl wager

With the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers set to square off in Super Bowl LVIII, two faith-based nonprofits each stand to win big — thanks to a friendly wager between the Catholic bishops in the teams’ respective cities.

Northern Ireland has Catholic leading its government for the first time in history

Michelle O’Neill of the Sinn Féin party is the first Catholic to head the region’s government. Her title is “First Minister,” which is equivalent to prime minister elsewhere.

Parish prays for miracle for seriously ill unborn baby who will likely die shortly after birth

Members of St. Michael Parish in Lincoln, Nebraska, have created prayer cards encouraging all to ask the Lord for a miracle for a parish family expecting a baby.

Montreal archbishop challenges Canada’s medically assisted death law

A Catholic archbishop has filed a challenge to Canada’s law on physician-assisted death, which includes both medically assisted suicide and euthanasia, in a case that could have far-reaching implications for religious freedom, conscience rights, property rights and public-private partnerships.

A year after deadly earthquake, survivors in Turkey, Syria search for answers, seek help

Commemorating the first anniversary of the “Disaster of the Century” brought unrest and anger in Turkey, where over 50,000 people died in a deadly earthquake that hit the country on Feb. 6, 2023. In neighboring Syria, 6,000 people died.

Senators allege FBI ‘withheld material information’ from inquiry into retracted Catholic memo

A group of U.S. senators recently sent a letter to the FBI alleging the bureau shirked congressional oversight amid lawmakers’ inquiries into a leaked FBI memo that suggested some “radical traditionalist” Catholics pose threats of racially or ethnically motivated violence.

Surprise! Catholic social teaching already has a lot to say about AI, experts say

“The Catholic tradition and Catholic social teaching has rich, relevant, and necessary resources for engaging both the contemporary discourse surrounding AI and new technology,” particularly with reference to achieving “the common good and human flourishing.”

Despite concerns, Pakistan elections stir some hope among Christians

As Pakistan holds general elections for the national and provincial assemblies Feb. 8, the nation’s Christian minority hopes they will strengthen the democratic process and state institutions.

Nigeria’s Christians and Eucharistic Revival highlighted at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Speakers at the 19th annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast Feb. 8 called upon attendees to pray for persecuted Christians in Nigeria amid recent violence, while emphasizing both the importance of humble discipleship in church life and expanding access to the sacrament of penance for the National Eucharistic Revival.

Does watching a televised Mass provide spiritual nourishment?

QUESTION CORNER: Most Catholics are aware of our “Sunday obligation,” that is, the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and certain major feast days that might fall on other days of the week. Canonist Jenna Marie Cooper answers this question in her weekly “Question Corner.”

Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees

MOVIE REVIEWS: This year’s Academy Award nominations were announced on Jan. 23. Here are capsule reviews of the 10 films contending for Best Picture. The Oscars ceremony will take place in Los Angeles on Sunday, March 10.

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