Good evening and Merry Christmas! Hope you are having a blessed Christmas octave and that the joy of celebrating the Child Jesus is with you and yours. Catch up on …
medical assistance in dying (MAID)
Delaware governor vetoes bill to legalize physician-assisted suicide in state
by Joe Owensby Joe OwensWILMINGTON, Del. (OSV News) — Delaware Gov. John Carney Sept. 20 vetoed House Bill 140, turning back legislative efforts to make legal physician-assisted suicide in the state. “And although I …
TORONTO (OSV News) — Amplifying advocacy and pastoral care efforts, bolstering educational resources and championing life-affirming legislation are among the recommendations that emerged from the first International Interfaith Symposium on …
(OSV News) — Canada’s deferment on making euthanasia available to those with mental illness is “not good news,” since that nation’s government ultimately intends to expand such access, said the …
Today’s the feast of St. Apollonia, the patron saint of dentistry and toothaches — for the gristly reason her martyrdom involved Apollonia’s teeth being pulled or broken before she was …
(OSV News) — A Catholic archbishop has filed a challenge to Canada’s law on physician-assisted death, which includes both medically assisted suicide and euthanasia, in a case that could have …