Home Opinion OSV News Showcase | May 3, 2024

OSV News Showcase | May 3, 2024

by Megan Marley

As a Benedictine College graduate, I have many thoughts about a recent Associated Press article about “traditional” and “liberal” Catholicism in the U.S. featuring the college.

First, I found it hilariously absurd that food at the Caf (or Dining Hall, as it’s been rebranded) got mentioned in an AP story. Classes come and go, but college student woes about dining fare spring eternal at practically every higher institution of learning.

Second, it’s always interesting to get a look into an outside, secular mirror of the church. To me, this piece highlights hurt found across the breadth and depth of the church. Unfortunately, until we can come into the presence of God and really listen to God and one another, we won’t heal and be coordinated in our mission to “go make disciples of all nations.”

It’s also unfortunate that the article relied on stereotypes for describing the differences found within the church. Solid research into how laypeople perceive themselves and others by these terms should be a preliminary basis for any reporting on this topic — not just subjective, anonymous experiences of Catholicism and references to a couple CARA reports on priests and sacraments. 

There’s much more I could say about this article. But honestly, the piece or my thoughts about it probably don’t matter much to most regular people in (or out of) the pews. What matters more is the Christian life, lived.

In other news featuring my alma mater, we ran a piece about how there has been an emphasis on evangelizing student athletes at Benedictine College, and how the majority of converts entering the church there are from that student population. We also noted the Benedictine abbey there in Atchison has been awarded a $5 million grant to help expand local child care capacity. 

Good ol’ St. Benedict’s “Ora et Labora” is quite a life motto. Enjoy this week’s OSV News top stories.

Megan Marley

Digital Editor

Class of 2016

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Honor thy Mother: Six U.S. shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary

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Pope Francis appoints first Catholic bishop with Anglican heritage for UK ordinariate

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Faithful respond to Midwest tornadoes, help storm victims ‘carry their cross’

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New Orleans Archdiocese investigated for child sex trafficking due to decades-old abuse claims

The Louisiana State Police and the FBI are investigating whether Archdiocese of New Orleans officials — including archbishops — covered up child sex trafficking by clergy over several decades, with some alleged victims reportedly taken out of state to be abused and marked for further exploitation among clergy.

One mom-theologian’s take on how to keep kids Catholic

INTERVIEW: Raising faithful Catholic kids in today’s society is not easy. Holly Taylor Coolman, assistant professor of theology at Providence College and adoptive mother of five, recognizes the many challenges and recently spoke with Charlie Camosy about her new book “Parenting: the Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children.”

Possible ‘showdown’ ahead as NY diocese moves to scrap bankruptcy in impasse with abuse claimants

The Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, is seeking to scrap its bankruptcy filing amid an impasse with abuse survivor settlements — and the case may lead to what one bankruptcy scholar called “a little bit of a showdown in the O.K. Corral” when it goes before a judge May 9.

New York appeals court says insurer’s lawsuit over abuse payouts can proceed against archdiocese

A New York state appeals court has given an insurer for the Archdiocese of New York the go-ahead to pursue a lawsuit contending it should not have to indemnify the archdiocese in hundreds of lawsuits over sex abuse the insurer claims was “expected or intended” — a ruling the archdiocese has called “extremely disappointing” and “wrongly decided.”

Congreso Eucarístico Nacional en Indianápolis: Oportunidad de unirnos como hermanos y hermanas en torno al Señor

El 10º Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, que se celebrará del 17 al 21 de julio en Indianápolis, es una oportunidad de “unirnos en la fe, como hermanos y hermanas”, dijo Jaime Reyna, el responsable de multiculturalidad e inclusividad del congreso. Habrá muchas oportunidades para crecer en la fe, tener una renovación personal y alabar a Jesús en la Eucaristía. Y estas oportunidades estarán disponibles en español, añadió al extender una invitación a la comunidad hispana, y responder a la interrogante que tienen muchas personas que llaman a las oficinas de los organizadores.

Mexican bishop who negotiates with drug cartels hospitalized after brief abduction

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Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem remains a ray of hope in war-torn Holy Land

Many people in the West Bank have been left without work as Israel closed its borders to Palestinian laborers and the tourism industry came to a halt. The only pediatric hospital in the West Bank gives them a sense of hope and security. 

Alleged victims of Father Marko Rupnik: His art cannot be separated from abuse claims

For the rector of the world’s second largest church after St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida in Brazil, May 11 will be a day of celebrating the inauguration of the southern facade’s mosaics, all created by Father Marko Rupik. But alleged victims of the disgraced former Jesuit and many faithful are not in a celebratory mood amid heated debate over what should be done with his mosaics decorating iconic churches across the globe.

Methodist minister, partner receive same-sex blessing from Chicago parish in video

A Methodist minister has sought a blessing on her same-sex union from a priest at a parish within the Archdiocese of Chicago, months after the Vatican issued a document on the possibility of giving spontaneous, non-liturgical pastoral blessings to couples in irregular situations.

Ahead of synod, ‘Fiducia’ polarization is visible but African bishops are still enthusiastic

As the Synod of Bishops on synodality resumes in five months in Rome, Catholic bishops in Africa are enthusiastic about the second part of the process, with some leaders however anxious that the Vatican document allowing blessings of same-sex couples had poisoned the environment, making it difficult to implement the synod’s outcome.

Clergy lead the way in safeguarding capabilities

Clergy are leading the way in their awareness and knowledge about keeping children safe in church and related environments, according to new research led by Australian Catholic University.

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