YAOUNDE, Cameroon (OSV News) — Marches and Masses in more than 30 African countries were organized Feb. 8 to raise voices against human trafficking, marking the feast day of St. Josephine …
human trafficking
Seitz: Human trafficking is ‘rejection of God-given dignity of every human being’
by OSV Newsby OSV NewsWASHINGTON (OSV News) — Human trafficking “is not only a serious crime” but it also “is a rejection of the God-given dignity of every human being,” said the chairman of …
Human trafficking is a disgrace, pope says on eve of world day of prayer
by Carol Glatzby Carol GlatzVATICAN CITY (CNS) — The fight against human trafficking requires a global response and coordinated efforts at every level, Pope Francis said. He urged everyone, “especially representatives of governments and …
(OSV News) — As he reflected on child labor and other critical situations involving children all over the world, Pope Francis mentioned in the Jubilee Year’s second general audience Jan. …
(OSV News) — As the U.S. marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day Jan. 11, the head of a faith-based network seeking to end the practice told OSV News “progress has been …
DHAKA, Bangladesh (OSV News) — Talitha Kum Bangladesh is empowering religious sisters and youth communities in the South Asian country to fight against human trafficking, child marriage and forced marriage …
SÃO PAULO (OSV News) — More than two months after 5-year-old Loan Peña went missing in the northeastern Argentina town of Nueve de Julio, the church continues to promote marches …
By Valentine Benjamin LAGOS, Nigeria (OSV News) — For decades, Nigeria has remained a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa, with her citizens making up …
House votes to reauthorize Catholic lawmaker’s landmark anti-trafficking effort
by Kate Scanlonby Kate ScanlonWASHINGTON (OSV News) — The U.S. House on Feb. 13 voted to reauthorize the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, legislation to bolster anti-trafficking programs, for another five years. In a bipartisan …
LONDON (OSV News) — On Oct. 31 in London, the spotlight was on the exceptional contribution of Catholic religious sisters to the anti-trafficking movement at the inaugural Sisters Anti-Trafficking Awards, …