Q: What does it mean to be a “consecrated virgin”? What are the rights and duties of the designation? And what is the process of becoming a “consecrated virgin”? A: …
Jenna Marie Cooper
Q: I’m a longtime daily Massgoer, and every year in the days leading up to Christmas we have that one Gospel reading that lists all the names of Jesus’ ancestors. …
Q: What is the significance of a Jubilee Year? (Lakeland, Florida) A: The short answer is, a Jubilee Year is a special year of grace and reconciliation. Today, the Catholic …
Q: Is Dec. 9 a day of obligation? Is this rule new? Is it just for America? (Rochester, New York) A: Normally Dec. 9 is not a holy day of …
Q: These days we hear so much about “trans people.” I expect our church is against the practice but I really have never heard anything “official” about the church’s position. …
Q: I was married in a non-Catholic wedding ceremony, then divorced years later civilly. Once I became Catholic and wanted to marry again, I got an annulment of the first …
Q: A divorced, annulled Catholic friend of mine recently got engaged to another divorced Catholic, who said her previous marriage was ruled “lacks proper form” by the church. What does …
Q: Now that we are in Lent, most Catholics I know are doing “fish on Fridays” to conform to the fasting and abstinence requirement. But if I typically avoid meat …
Q: In the past few weeks, due to extreme weather, I’ve missed Mass a couple of times. My parish has a Facebook channel, so I watched the services there instead. …
Q:Since Christmas is on Monday this year, can I go to a Christmas vigil Mass on Sunday and have it fulfill my Sunday and Christmas obligations? (Boston) A: As you note, …