(OSV News) — Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, a new species of screech owl, dubbed the Xingu screech owl, was discovered by scientists in 2021. However, what …
Justice in Society
(OSV News) — A leading African cardinal has described the Catholic Church in Africa as “a champion of human development,” saying that it’s precisely the church that makes up for …
(OSV News) — It was June 1963, and President John F. Kennedy had just months to live before an assassin’s bullet would shatter his skull in the streets of Dallas …
Salvadoran prelate urges justice for the innocent amid country’s crackdown on gangs
by David Agrenby David AgrenMEXICO CITY (OSV News) — A Salvadoran prelate has urged the country to “avoid the imprisonment of innocent people,” marking rare public comments from clergy on a crackdown against criminal …
Obispos de EE.UU. elogian la ampliación de los procesos de reunificación familiar de migrantes
by Kate Scanlonby Kate ScanlonWASHINGTON (OSV News) — Los obispos de Estados Unidos elogiaron el 10 de julio el reciente anuncio del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU. de que ampliaría los procesos de …
This week there has been much occasion to pray along with the news. OSV News has covered the murder of Ugandan students, anti-Christian sentiment in the Holy Land, violence and …
LVIV, Ukraine (OSV News) — Leading forensic experts at the British University of Exeter are collecting evidence and testimonies of Russian war crimes in Ukraine. In the course of their …
(OSV News) — In 1891, the same year Pope Leo XIII responded to revolutionary economic and industrial upheaval with the encyclical “Rerum Novarum,” the first car powered by electricity made …
2023 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering a ‘sign of faith, hope and love coming alive’
by Kate Scanlonby Kate ScanlonWASHINGTON (OSV News) — Speakers and participants at the 2023 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering explored how social justice ministries of the church are often intertwined, from how the sin of …