Home Opinion OSV News Showcase | October 04, 2024

OSV News Showcase | October 04, 2024

by Megan Marley

This week an OSV News contingent traveled to Rome for the “Synod on Synodality” that started Oct. 2 (here are seven things to know about the second and final session of it if you haven’t been following the topic). The 368 members of the Synod started with a two-day retreat, which concluded with an Oct. 1 penitential liturgy (we also interviewed an abuse survivor who gave his testimony at it.) The Synod officially opened with Mass in St. Peter’s Square Oct. 2, and will run through Oct. 27.

But in other news, we’ve covered the Vance/Walz vice presidential debate; Helene’s impact in Florida and  North Carolina and Catholic relief efforts in those states; Georgia’s abortion ban being struck down again; Mexico’s bishops urging the newly-installed president to pursue social peace; a French Catholic university student being tragically murdered; and more.

Find more of our stories below, and on osvnews.com and our social media @OSVNews.

Megan Marley

Digital Editor

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Saint’s ‘little way’ is model of evangelization for Taiwan online prayer group

A small Taiwan-based online prayer group is making some headway in spreading the good news to international Chinese-speakers using St. Therese of Lisieux’s “little way” as its model for evangelization. (St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s feast day is Oct. 1.)

Human dignity and the digital explosion

MEDIA MINDFULNESS: Tips for the faithful Catholic navigating new digital tools like artificial intelligence.

New seminary campus embodies ‘formation of the whole man’ for priesthood

A newly built campus for a historic seminary in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia reflects the mentorship and accompaniment crucial to seminarian formation in the 21st century, Auxiliary Bishop Keith J. Chylinski of Philadelphia told OSV News. “Formation today is very different than it was 50 years ago,” said Bishop Chylinski, rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Ambler, Pennsylvania. “I think the focus today is really on forming the whole man in a deeply individual way, in a deeply holistic way.” 

‘Abbreviated bankruptcy’ strategy for parishes is a first in diocesan Chapter 11 abuse settlements

ANALYSIS: The terms of a recent diocesan bankruptcy settlement, which require parishes to declare an “abbreviated bankruptcy,” are a first for such cases and show the impact of a Supreme Court ruling in June, a legal scholar told OSV News. 

Iraqi archbishop says rift with Chaldean patriarch is a ‘misunderstanding’

Iraqi Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil said tensions between himself and Cardinal Louis Sako, the Baghdad-based Chaldean Catholic patriarch, were the result of a misunderstanding and denied accusations he was working against the patriarch. In a message sent to OSV News Sept. 24, the Iraqi archbishop said he rejected “all accusations in full,” referring to allegations made by the Chaldean patriarchate on Aug. 28 that Archbishop Warda was “deceived by promises” made by political figures behind an attempt to have the government deny recognition of Cardinal Sako’s authority as head of the Chaldean Catholic Church in 2023. In July 2023, Cardinal Sako left Baghdad after Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid revoked a decree that formally recognized the cardinal as Chaldean patriarch in the country. 

Since Oct. 7 attacks and start of war, pope calls Gaza every day, lifting up suffering community 

Since Hamas’ attack on Israel Oct. 7, 2023, and the immediate start of the Israel-Hamas war, Pope Francis has provided daily spiritual solace to Gaza Strip’s only Catholic parish. 

INTERVIEW: ‘Déjà vu, only worse’: Catholic aid workers ‘at risk everywhere in Lebanon’

INTERVIEW: A ‘living hell’: Survivor of Oct. 7 attack, father of hostage reflect as conflict approaches one year

USCCB: Archbishop calls for ‘fervent prayer’ for peace in Holy Land, says ‘compassion is not zero-sum game’

‘Rosary priest’ Father Peyton: ‘The family that prays together stays together’

CATHOLIC HISTORY: Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Father Patrick Peyton was perhaps the best-known “media priest” this side of Bishop Fulton Sheen, with a special emphasis on the family rosary. October is the month of the rosary, with the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary Oct. 7.

WASHINGTON, D.C.: “Rosary pilgrimage in nation’s capital unites thousands of Catholics in love for Mary

Rhoades: Prayer, truth and love needed to heal confusion over human sexuality

INTERVIEW: Sharing the truth of church teaching on human identity and sexuality with love, prayer and authentic pastoral outreach is essential for young people experiencing confusion about sexuality, said Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend. The bishop spoke at length with OSV News following the release of his diocesan policies on applying church teaching about human identity and sexuality in diocesan schools. 

Expulsion of members of scandal-plagued Catholic group by the Vatican shocks Peru

The Vatican’s decision to expel 10 important members from the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, a scandal-plagued society of apostolic life founded in Peru in 1971, announced by the Vatican’s nunciature in Peru Sept. 25, was received with surprise by many in the country.

The battles we fight

COLUMN: If we want to follow Christ, we must pray. And that is never easy.

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