Home Opinion OSV News Showcase | May 17, 2024

OSV News Showcase | May 17, 2024

by Megan Marley
CARA report on the Eucharist: People gather for Eucharistic adoration in this file photo from May 2006. (OSV News photo/Greg Tarczynski)

Soundbytes of Pope Francis’ upcoming “60 Minutes” programming on CBS News. Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s remarks at Benedictine College. Dicastery norms on supernatural phenomena. Abortion. Church scandals. Gender. Climate change. Violence. Politics.

I’m not a theologian, but it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that so many sensational and sensationalized things are happening in Catholic and secular spheres right before pilgrims begin an eight-week cross-country tour in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord. 

OSV News has covered or will be covering the above-mentioned news items, and you can find some of this week’s news below, along with stories that will, refreshingly, be sources of inspiration. 

But as our Church begins its National Eucharistic Pilgrimage this weekend, maybe this is an opportunity for each of us to take a moment to disengage from the frenzy for a quiet tête-à-tête with Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. No phones, no tech, no talking … just to be with him, adore him and listen. For it is this time that puts all news in perspective.

Megan Marley

Digital Editor

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To find true success in life, serve God first, actor Jonathan Roumie tells graduates

  “The more you commit (to God), the deeper he takes you. The more you love him, the higher you go. The more you seek him, the wilder your journey gets,” said Roumie to graduates of The Catholic University of America on May 11.

Sisters on Eucharistic pilgrimage’s ‘Seton Route’ see God’s providence in preparations

Learning to reverse a truck attached to a camper trailer wasn’t on Mother Mary Maximilian Cote’s to-do list – until recently, when it became a pressing need. On May 18, she and three other members of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love are joining the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, and she’s a back-up driver for their support vehicle.

Staring down the devil, Catholic police detective finds her refuge in the Eucharist

FEATURE: In her line of work, Detective Jasmine Cardenas confronts evil on a daily basis. While experiencing this evil could lead some to question God, for Cardenas, it has helped her find God in the negative and rely on him to get through the day. 

Pentecost pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres will have record number of pilgrims

The traditional Notre-Dame de Chrétienté pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres that takes place over the Pentecost weekend had a record number of 16,000 pilgrims in 2023, but this year the number is thousands beyond that.

Las cuatro rutas de la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional

Montañas, valles y llanuras marcan la Ruta Serra de la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional

La Ruta Mariana de la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional incluye importantes hitos dedicados a María

Ciudad con el nombre del cuerpo de Cristo, santuario de Alabama y monasterio trapense de Kentucky en la ruta sur de la peregrinación nacional

Peregrinos recorrerán caminos de santos americanos en la ruta este de la Peregrinación Eucarística Nacional

A Eucharistic Word: Christification

COLUMN: What does it mean to receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist? How are our lives to be changed from such an encounter?

Pew study shows support for legal abortion growing 2 years after Dobbs

Nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision making abortion a constitutional right, a majority of Americans said they support legal abortion in all or most cases, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center.

Fact Check: House bill cracking down on antisemitism does not restrict biblical teaching

ANALYSIS: Claims circulating among right-leaning influencers about legislation under consideration in Congress to counter antisemitism on college campuses are not an accurate reflection of the legislation.

Hours after his first Communion boy begins remarkable recovery from debilitating illness

Doctors said there was only a 10% chance Joshua would ever walk again, but hours after receiving anointing of the sick and first Communion in the hospital he started wiggling his toes. Recovery continued after he got home, to the point where he played soccer just weeks later. “It is just clear in our heads now what an incredible thing that was. And to be honest, how could it not have been a Eucharistic miracle?”

Federal judge sentences 6 more pro-life activists to federal prison terms

Most of the pro-life activists sentenced to federal prison terms in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia May 14 and 15 along with Lauren Handy are Catholics with years in the “rescue movement” and other arrests.

The many faces of Mary that inspire devotion among Catholics of all cultures

FAITH FORMATION: Catholics honor Mary in many ways and under many names.

Celebrity conversions inspire, challenge personal faith, experts tell OSV News

Celebrities who convert to Catholicism can be an inspiration, a call to caution — and above all an occasion for personally recommitting to the faith, two evangelization experts told OSV News. Over the past several months, a number of high-profile public figures have publicly announced their embrace of the Catholic faith.

National Eucharistic Congress includes series exclusive to priest, deacon participants

A special track just for priests has been added to the schedule of the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis July 17-21, with speakers including two bishops and prominent theologians.

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati believed ‘borders ceased to exist for Christians,’ says niece

The niece of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (1901-1925) welcomed plans for him to be proclaimed a saint on the centenary of his death, predicting it will testify to the Catholic Church’s confidence in young people.

Impoverished children in Buenos Aires express their emotions through slum orchestra

While it may have become commonplace to view classical music and going to the opera as the preserve of the rich and famous, Italian opera greats always saw the gift of their music as belonging to everyone. That is a message being taken to heart in slum communities in the suburbs of Argentina’s sprawling capital Buenos Aires. 

Lost childhood and cycles of violence in Hulu’s ‘Under the Bridge’ 

TV REVIEW: Hulu’s “Under the Bridge” explores themes of lost childhood, grappling with conscience and redemption.

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