(OSV News) — The head of the Tuscan Bishops’ Conference said the passage of a new law in Italy allowing medically assisted suicide was “not an achievement, but a defeat for …
(OSV News) — Budgets, it has been said, are moral documents. By examining what they include and exclude — fund and don’t fund — the apparent priorities of their makers are …
(OSV News) — The United States is a “nation with a proud legacy of welcome to immigrants” that also “needs secure, safe, sturdy borders,” said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New …
PARIS (OSV News) — French Prime Minister François Bayrou wants to split an “end of life” bill to separate the issue of “active assistance in dying” from that of palliative …
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (OSV News) — On the Saturday after thousands marched in defense of life in Washington, scores of pro-life Latinos participated in the annual Hispanic Pro-life Conference near …
(OSV News) — The pro-life chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops lauded U.S. House passage of a bill Jan. 23 that would require life-saving medical attention for babies who …
At National Prayer Vigil for Life, young people challenged ‘to be a light in our culture’
by Julie Asherby Julie AsherArchbishop Naumann called on young people “to be witnesses to your peers. You’re called to help them to come to know what brought you here tonight.”
Supporters can participate virtually by watching the event on the March for Life’s social media channels, including YouTube, or by using the hashtag #WhyWeMarch. The March for Life’s website is …