Opinion Sacrificing excitement to make the wait of Advent more holy Waiting has never been my strong suit. I tend to associate long waits with a childhood tradition that I’m certain my mother invented. Each... Lisa M. HendeyNovember 19, 2023
Opinion Being a patient is slowly teaching me about patience “Patience is a virtue,” I try to remind myself as the oncology receptionist hands me the clipboard filled with five separate (and badly copied)... Lisa M. HendeyOctober 15, 2023
Opinion Traveling while older: Patience and wisdom go with us I write this having freshly returned from a journey of a lifetime, spent in the company of storytellers. We embarked with a purpose: to... Lisa M. HendeyApril 2, 2023
Opinion ‘Teach me your paths…’ With the deadline looming to select my Senior Scholar course for next term, I sit with pages of the university’s academic catalog arrayed about... Lisa M. HendeyFebruary 26, 2023
Opinion ‘Senior Standing’: Yearning for my best life For the past three months, I’ve enjoyed a delightful new Monday ritual. After coffee with my husband and morning prayer, I pack my brown... Lisa M. HendeyJanuary 8, 2023