MIAMI (OSV News) — Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski spoke to the Florida Catholic Feb. 11 about the expected arrival in Miami of some of the political prisoners released by the …
February 2023
NEW YORK (OSV News) — Throughout 2022, Hollywood continued its efforts to rebound from the drastic effects of the pandemic. The number of films being widely released has not yet …
Nicaragua deports 222 political prisoners to U.S.; group includes Catholic priests, students, opponents of regime
by David Agrenby David AgrenMEXICO CITY (OSV News) — Nicaragua has released more than 200 political prisoners, including Catholic priests, students, and opponents of the regime, who were taken from detention in deplorable conditions …
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (OSV News) — The bishops of the Nashville, Memphis and Knoxville dioceses have announced the establishment of the Tennessee Catholic Conference to serve as their combined public policy …
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis urged all people to be in solidarity with the regions of Turkey and Syria struck by two powerful earthquakes early Feb. 6 and that …
(Leer in Español) (OSV News) — Theresa Flores plans to attend her 11th Super Bowl this year, but not necessarily because she is a football fan. Instead, the 57-year-old author, …
(Read in English) (OSV News) — Theresa Flores planea asistir a su 11.º Super Bowl este año, pero no necesariamente porque sea fanática del fútbol americano. En cambio, la autora, …
Catholic aid agencies launch emergency collections for quake victims in Turkey, Syria
by OSV Newsby OSV NewsNEW YORK (OSV News) — Catholic humanitarian agencies are launching emergency relief campaigns following Feb. 6’s devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, which have so far killed more than 7,200 …
U.S. bishops’ religious liberty chairman: Proposed new rules on contraceptive mandate ‘disheartening’
by OSV Newsby OSV NewsWASHINGTON (OSV News) – The U.S. bishops’ religious liberty chairman called it “disheartening” that proposed new rules on the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate eliminate “protections for moral convictions” of …
‘A crisis within multiple crises’: Amid ongoing civil war, Syrians face mass casualties from 7.8-magnitude quake
by Dale Gavlakby Dale GavlakAMMAN, Jordan (OSV News) — Catholic and other humanitarian agencies are calling Monday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a second tremor striking southern Turkey and northern Syria “tragic” and are appealing …