(OSV News) — Perhaps the largest U.S. gathering of those dedicated to carrying out the social ministry and teaching of the church, the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering is set to take …
Care for Creation
(OSV News) — Catholic university professor Samuel Shephard suggests that Catholics can bring a unique viewpoint to Earth Day, celebrated April 22, because “as Catholics, we can understand we’re doing …
(OSV News) — Two provinces of the Congregation of the Passion and a lay-run Catholic nonprofit have all taken the lead in switching to solar energy to power their work …
(OSV News) — Efforts to meet climate goals must heed both the “cry of the earth” and the “cry of the poor,” said two U.S. Catholic bishops leading committees of …
(OSV News) — A group of delegates, including three U.S. Catholic bishops and the head of a conference of women religious, met with Biden administration officials Nov. 17 to discuss …
Panel: Pope’s message in new document on climate isn’t partisan, but is matter of faith
by Kurt Jensenby Kurt JensenWASHINGTON (OSV News) — Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation “Laudate Deum,” released Oct. 4, was described as the sound of a broken heart, disappointed by the world’s lack of action on …
NAIROBI, Kenya (OSV News) — When Pope Francis released his apostolic exhortation “Laudate Deum” (“Praise God”) was released Oct. 4, its message echoed loudly across Africa, where millions of ordinary …
SÃO PAULO (OSV News) — Church activists in the Amazon are worried about the Brazilian government’s plan to exploit oil in a marine area close to the mouth of the …
Transforming hearts, lifestyles, public policies will bring about ‘ecological conversion,’ bishops say
by OSV Newsby OSV NewsWASHINGTON (OSV News) — For the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Sept. 1 and the Season of Creation that follows, Pope Francis “invites us to reflect …
(OSV News) — When renowned science fiction author Robert Heinlein wrote in his apocalyptic 1952 short story “The Year of the Jackpot” that “the Colorado River was at a record …