Five years ago, on April 15, flames engulfed Notre Dame Cathedral. It had long been on my bucket list of places to visit. I remember watching online videos of the …
(OSV News) — A new report shows a continued decrease in the number of permanent vocations to consecrated life in the U.S. — but key factors such as family life, …
It was a summer evening in early August, and we were anxiously awaiting the visit of our daughter, Sister Juan Maria of the Holy Spirit (Emily Rose), who was about …
WASHINGTON (OSV News) — Every year the U.S. Catholic Church dedicates a week in November to pray for and promote vocations to the priesthood, the diaconate and consecrated life through …
By Steven Schwankert NEW YORK (OSV News) — About 1,500 family members and well-wishers joined bishops, priests, religious brothers and dozens of sisters from the Sisters of Life as seven …
Young Catholics have traveled from far and wide to participate in the 37th annual World Youth Day held Aug. 1-6, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. This transformative experience has shaped the …
(OSV News) — The church has prayed for vocations my entire life. Usually, this intercession is specifically for young people to hear the call to the priesthood or consecrated life. …
(OSV News) — Ahead of an annual day of prayer for vocations, a newly released report shows what one researcher called greater “consistency of age,” more diverse educational backgrounds and …
Sister André, a Daughter of Charity and oldest known person in world, dies in France at age 118
by OSV Newsby OSV NewsTOULON, France (OSV News) — Sister André, a Daughter of Charity and the world’s oldest known person, died at age 118, a spokesman of the nursing home where she died …
(OSV News) – For Black Catholic men, the path to priesthood is marked by hope — and some very real challenges, say pastoral leaders who have their pulse on how …