(OSV News) — For Latin American Catholics, December is an important month, not just in anticipation of the Christmas celebrations, but also for important Marian feast days, such as Our …
Central America
BUENOS AIRES (OSV News) — Pope Francis and the country’s bishops in exile prayed for Nicaragua as the Central American country observed the Immaculate Conception of Mary amid persecution. “I …
El Salvador archbishop blasts mining law change, says it will cause ‘irrevocable damage’
by David Agrenby David AgrenBUENOS AIRES (OSV News) — Catholic leaders in Central America expressed alarm over the idea of repealing a national prohibition on extractive activities in El Salvador — putting the church …
Bishops reject Mexico City initiative aimed at eliminating any legal protection for life in womb
by David Agrenby David AgrenMEXICO CITY (OSV News) — The Mexican bishops’ conference expressed deep concern over an initiative in the Mexico City assembly “which seeks to completely eliminate legal protection for life in …
Indigenous priest shot dead in Mexico’s increasingly violent Chiapas state
by David Agrenby David AgrenMEXICO CITY (OSV News) — An Indigenous Tzotzil priest and peace activist was murdered after celebrating Sunday Mass in Mexico’s southern Chiapas state, where the Catholic Church has denounced government …
MEXICO CITY (OSV News) — Father Moisés Lira Serafin has been beatified in a ceremony at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in his native Mexico, where he is …
7 exiled Nicaraguan priests arrive in Rome as Ortega regime continues to target church
by David Agrenby David Agren(OSV News) — The Vatican confirmed Aug. 9 that seven priests expelled from Nicaragua arrived in Rome Aug. 8. They had been detained in an assault on a diocese headed …
(OSV News) — The Nicaraguan government closed the country’s most prominent Catholic radio station as the Sandinista regime continues to persecute the church and increasingly infringe on citizens’ religious freedom …
MEXICO CITY (OSV News) — Mexico’s Interior Ministry has requested the participation of priests in courses promoting “civic values” in the aftermath of the ruling Morena party’s massive electoral victory …
After 11 are massacred in Mexico’s Chiapas state, bishops warn conditions lacking for elections
by David Agrenby David AgrenMEXICO CITY (OSV News) — Bishops in Mexico’s southern Chiapas state have warned that conditions for holding elections are lacking after the May 12 massacre of 11 people — including …