Home Reviews Farming Simulator 22

Farming Simulator 22

by Adele Chapline Smith

(OSV News) — As children, we learn to fabricate all kinds of imaginary scenarios in great detail, playing at being anything from a teacher or cook to a pirate on the high seas. The fact that, for many, such daydreams remain delightful long after adulthood has arrived is testified to by the popularity of make-believe games like “Farming Simulator 22” (GIANTS Software).

In addition to allowing players to engage in all aspects of running a farm in a realistic fashion, this latest installment in a series that started in 2008 is entirely free of problematic content. Thus it’s suitable for the whole family.

To begin, players choose an area to cultivate as well as a difficulty level. A brief tutorial explains the cycles of preparing the ground, sowing and harvesting. If the easiest setting is selected, gamers inherit a house, a barn, three fields and a handful of equipment. Every day, the crops and animals need to be tended while tractors have to be painstakingly guided across the fields.

This title introduces a new mechanic of seasons into the series. Players begin in August and must plan ahead, keeping an eye on the calendar.

Gamers learn the ins-and-outs of marketing as they sell eggs, milk and lumber as well as their crops. More complex production, such as harvesting grain and turning it into bread, yields an increased income.

Players also discover what kind of plants do well at different times of the year. Additionally, they can contract with other farmers to do chores they themselves prefer to avoid.

Along with its obvious educational value, “Farming Simulator 22” immerses gamers in the peaceful delights of country living and offers them the satisfaction of creating a thriving enterprise. Given how many competing products are marred by excessive violence, players should welcome this tranquil, civilized and charming alternative.

Playable on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Windows.

The OSV News classification is A-I — general patronage. The Entertainment Software Rating Board rating is E — everyone.

Adele Chapline Smith reviews videogames for OSV News.

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