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Parish prayer shawl ministry brings ‘a hug from God’ around the globe
Annual US collection assists more than 20,000 elderly women and men religious
Illinois man who is champion of rivers, trees to receive Pacem in Terris interfaith award
Dead Theologians Society brings new life to youth ministry
Catholic finance expert: Planning, self-awareness, priorities key to managing Christmas spending
He is feeding 2.4 million schoolchildren every day with Our Lady as his ‘boss’
Major Archbishop Shevchuk: ‘Let us dedicate Nativity Fast’ to ‘victory over darkness of war’
Catholic bishops decry British end of life vote: ‘May God help us’
British lawmakers’ vote signals initial approval for assisted suicide legislation
Former Femen activist apologizes for desecrating Notre Dame in 2013 protest against church, pope
Cristo Rey triunfa sobre el mal con la fuerza del amor, dice el Papa
Final synod document is magisterial, must be accepted, pope says
Ratzinger Prize winner draws from late pope’s engagement with modernity
Pope says he’ll canonize Acutis, Frassati, host meeting on child’s rights
Top Vatican diplomat says Russia must act first to end Ukraine war
Cómo preparar tu corazón y tu hogar para el Adviento
Obispo de Ciudad Juárez hace un llamado a no ser indiferentes frente al drama de los hermanos migrantes
CELAM y las comisiones episcopales de pastoral familiar invitan a orar en familia y por la familia
Cristo Rey triunfa sobre el mal con la fuerza del amor, dice el Papa
Voluntarios y beneficiarios de NPH en México se despiden del padre ‘Phil’ y honran su memoria
One of the oldest and most trusted names in Catholic media in the United States, Our Sunday Visitor Inc. announced July 6 that it...